Wednesday, April 2, 2014

don't blame the player, blame the game OR if i could, i always would

i must (somewhat) sheepishly admit, that i don't see that much difference between yesterday's human-driven liquidity providers (floor traders) and the machine-driven liquidity providers of today (hfts). the only difference is that as a local in the pit, we often possessed exogenous information, that was yet to be incorporated in the market. predatory algorithms must rely on their endogenous actions to trigger the desired outcome. of course, in my own version of strategic sequential trading, i would often hit bids and lift offers in search of stops, just not as efficiently and unemotionally as hfts. of course, our rather dubious actions were as summarily and similarly rationalized back then as they are today; as our privilège intitulé and due compensation for the risk we incurred for providing liquidity. after all-was-said-and-done however, we did it for the same reason that a dog licks his balls... because we could. perhaps, if goldman wasn't obama's largest campaign contributor, sec employees didn't have quid pro quo agreements with private sector bd's and wall st. law firms (for post govt.-service employment) and the exchanges hadn't gone for-profit, mr. lewis would have had to write a book on a different topic.

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